2020 Is Going To Be My Year

5 Tips For a Successful Lifestyle Change

So many of us said that 2020 was going to be the year that we were going to change our habits, lifestyle, health, parenting, goals and so much more! Well, I think its safe to say that, yes so many of those things have changed. While these changes were out of our control so many things are still within our control. I’m sure like many of you I thought that this change was only going to be temporary. Quarantine was going to trend and then fade away just like the popular hashtags on the gram…except its still here. While so many things are outside of our control it’s so important to look at the things that we can control. I was falling into complacency with just going with the flow, but that lead to me still not making the best choices food-wise, I mean what else are you going to do when you are locked up in the house right?!? Then I thought “what else CAN I do?!?” And that shift right there has changed so many things for our home during quarantine. For once there was so much more control over our schedule. This meant that I could be more intentional with my lifestyle which was greatly revolving around the meals that we eat. With that mental shift I decided, cold turkey, to cut out carbs! I mean what better time than when locked in your house with 2 kids right?!? Well, I must say with preparation and a change in mental thinking I have been more committed and successful than I ever have before. Food is fun, its encouraging seeing results and feeling the increase in energy is so amazing especially in the ability to be more present with my kids and guess what I’ve got the energy to keep up with the kids! Now as a nurse I’m going to make this disclaimer once again: I am not YOUR nurse. This is not medical advice, this lifestyle is not for everyone and you should consult with your physician before changing your diet. Please be aware of the entire medical disclaimer you are bound to in the use of this website which is listed in the Privacy policy page. Okay so now back to the scheduled programming lol. I’m going to give you 5 tips that helped me succeed in sticking to successfully loosing 20+ lbs to date with my keto lifestyle:

  1. Preparation
  2. mentality shift
  3. accountability
  4. creativity meal plans
  5. Knowing your weakness

Preparation was a huge thing for me. I knew that in order to be successful I needed to have a plan (I’m a type-A personality if you haven’t figured that out already lol).

Making the mental shift of “having” to do something to “wanting” to do something is HUGE! This mental shift allowed me to approach this lifestyle change with a new “attitude” when you want to do something in order to get an outcome you desire it changes the way your approach your new task on hand.

Accountability is the golden key. You have to be accountable not only to yourself but also it’s so important to have someone in your corner cheering you on! And sometimes giving you the pep talk when you fall off the wagon or help you offer yourself grace for certain occasions. I have a nutrition coach and two friends that I know I can go to if I start having dreams about carbs lol. Let me tell you that was the most vivid dream I’ve ever had lol

Creativity is the backbone of my success. Becoming bored with your meals is a sure way to fail. No one wants to eat the same couple of foods for multiple meals for multiple days! It’s just not sustainable! Well maybe it is for some but it for sure isn’t for me! If I’m craving something I find a way to make it within the food groups that I’ve decided to partake in. I’ve recently made some of the more gourmet and delicious meals with just experimenting and exploring recipes that I’ve never had before. This has brought SO much excitement to mealtimes as well as to snack time. The best part is dessert time! Which brings me to my last point.

Knowing what your weaknesses are IS the make it or break it deal for sustainability! I had a HUGE sugar problem. I was consuming an INSANE amount of sugar when I added up all of the grams of sugar consumed through sodas, foods, and treats I would eat throughout the week. This alone shocked me to my CORE! I knew that something had to change BUT I also knew that if I didn’t have something to counter offer myself I wouldn’t last. Coming to terms and being honest with myself I must say has been the thing that has helped me stay on track thus far for this long.

If you are looking for a safe community to be a part of to share your journey and triumphs come join us on our private Facebook group here we would love to share tips and encouragement with you through this journey of life no matter where you are.


XOXO Kendra


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