Dream Homeschool Room

Our Room

This is our first year going into the school year with the INTENT to learn from home exclusively. Due to this, I knew we needed to do a remodeling of our office and learning space to make it a haven for learning. Welcome to our Homeschool Room. I hope that you enjoy this post and find something that you can incorporate into your journey through this new academic school year filled with new variables and remote learning options.


I strongly believe there is so much power in the words that we use around and towards our children. I knew I wanted the focal point of my daughter’s new workspace to be centered around positive affirmations. There is so much growth that our amazing children go through each school year and some subjects, or new concepts can be more of a growth stretch than others. Due to this, I wanted her to be able to look up at any given time and see these four empowering words that will remind her how capable she is at learning new concepts no matter how challenging they may or may not be. 





This sign is from Hobby Lobby and they have so many empowering and encouraging wall art options to choose from. You can see many of them here.

I’m a sucker for succulents! I so badly wanted to be able to add an element of nature to her schoolroom, something with a magical feel like underwater coral BUT without the responsibility of a saltwater tank. I went to Home Depot and found this gem. I was so excited! It has the appearance of underwater magic and the best part is it’s a succulent so it should live through a few days of missed watering right?!? haha! If you want to check out the assortment of succulents from Home Depot look here. The best part of this is this one was under $4.00. The galvanized pail is from Michaels and it came in silver color. I was able to spray paint it gold to make it fit in with the rest of the decor. This was $2.00 so for under $10 we added in an entire element of nature to our indoor schoolroom. 

This gorgeous foam flower was from…Yup, you guessed it! Hobby Lobby! They also come in different sizes and colors! I loved it so much I’m going to go back and get another one for my desk area! Check them out here!

Now for the most important part of this room, the desk! I saw this desk and immediately knew this was going to be the perfect desk for the vision that I had for our homeschool room. This desk was the hardest thing to get my hands on and there was not another that would do. This is perfect for a school-aged child, it’s only 27″ wide so it was going to fit perfectly and it even had a drawer. I didn’t want a desk with a ton of storage space because it would end up being the place where all of the extra crafts, activities, and toys would eventually live haha! So I stalked IKEA for weeks waiting for it to become available and the day it did I dropped everything I was doing and made the hour-long drive paired with the 45-minute wait to get into the store. But. It. Was. So. Worth. It! The desk is $50, and yes you do have to put it together and no it isn’t hard to do at all! The desk was a highlight of this room remodel for sure! You can check it out here for availability. I had a different plan for the board I was going to add to the wall but changed my mind once I saw the pegboard knew I HAD to have it! I bought the smaller one because I knew there would be other elements added to the wall and I didn’t want to be limited to the hook of the pegboard. I think it was the perfect move!

The lamp was so hard to narrow down so I let my daughter pick out the one she liked the most. I think this perfectly completed the look. This lamp is from Amazon

I really love the set up of our Homeschool room! We both have our own work areas which will give us both the ability to do our work independently but also give her easy access to me for quick questions and educational instruction. 

I was able to find so many great educational resources for the wall at Michaels that fit so perfectly into our homeschool room. 

Since my son will be starting Preschool this year his school area was also incorporated into the homeschool room. He LOVES art and reading. I added our library and art center to the homeschool room since those are two things I can have him do quietly in the homeschool room while his sister and I are working on our school work. I am a huge believer in play-based learning so the playroom is where the rest of the resources will be for my son and where more of his learning tools and toys will live.  

This alphabet chart was so perfect for our quiet time area in our homeschool room and the BEST part of this poster set was I found it for $0.10!! Yup for all 3 posters, Thank you, IKEA! I love a good bargain! 

I hope this gives you a good idea of how we set up our homeschool room to make it not only functional for one child but also for two at different learning stages! Since I too am in graduate school I needed an area that would serve all of our educational needs at once as well as individually. I added a lot of extra pictures for reference if there is something that you see that you really want to know more about or find out where I got it from please comment below and let me know!  

*Cheers* to a new realm of learning no matter how you decide to go about it this year! 


XOXO Kendra

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