Fry Boat Magic

Manifesting Magic

Sometimes a magical manifestation pops up at the most random time after you’ve completely let it go and forget about it. In-N-Out was one of the biggest driving forces behind my family moving to Texas years ago as the business expanded. It took me some time to join my family on their new endeavors in the lone star state but it finally happened almost 8 years later. Shortly after arriving, I found out In-N-Out had released this pool float. When I saw it I wanted one so badly for a photoshoot to commemorate my relocation. I tried to buy one but they were sold out everywhere! I talked on my social platforms about how badly I wanted this float. I went on in great detail about it on my insta-stories haha! I visualized this photoshoot and all of the feelings joined a special cup waitlist for the next release of floats and then let it go. Well fast forward some time I had completely forgotten all about this and I walk out the door at our friends’ house and I saw it sitting right there! I was so excited!

At first glance, some might think I’m high maintenance but the reality is, it doesn’t take much to make me happy. For example, this pool float photo shoot coming to life made my week and was a beautiful reminder to me to keep visualizing. I feel like the biggest lesson Texas keeps teaching me is my dreams big and small will all come true but all in its perfect timing. A friend of mine told me one night as I shared some of my dreams with him that weren’t going quite like I’d plan them after moving here.  He said “what if this is all part of the plan”. That simple sentence was such a mind awakening moment and I repeat it when I’m not sure what the next step is and everything feels unsure.

I said all that to say on this magical Monday I think it’s time to start writing down my dreams again big and small. This will give me a place I can look back and remember all of the magic happening around me. So that these magical moments will have a place to live.  Share with me if you visualize & manifest.  And if you do how do you journal or track your magical moments.



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